
How to beat hello neighbor alpha 1
How to beat hello neighbor alpha 1

how to beat hello neighbor alpha 1 how to beat hello neighbor alpha 1

Right of me like yeah i hear him to my right of me kind of wacky stream something's. Dad thanks for stopping by for a few seconds my dude thanks for sharing it i'm gonna hide for a few seconds because i think he's after me he knows how about his house, wait a few seconds i hear him to my. Share the stream and leave dog all right fam. Maybe i should have thrown that box why is he going over there though that's my chance that's my chance to get into his house wait how do we alright let's just hide here for a, second because i hear the music coming on for him i hear the music i i heard him i'ma. Trap never mind oh all right i see i think we're dropping a little bit but uh oh if the neighbors just like, chilling right there i think that wasn't too smart to be.

how to beat hello neighbor alpha 1

This gameplay right here actually so should i walk in is that a bear trap though oh that's a bear. You know and then as we all know gotta go copy links and stuff and it's kind of annoying gotta go into the, youtube app copy link and then go back into and add to my story bro it's me ray yeah, i know hey ray what's up all right anyway i think it's time we should get right on into. Stream sunday fun day live up on youtube right now slide up to check it out we're just, gonna be playing some hello neighbor and chill. My dude welcome to the stream i'm gonna make a poster real quick to snapchat though all right guys we're doing a late night. Uh yeah we're just gonna be playing some hello neighbor alpha four and i'm about a camera fake hey yo what's up. That's better but uh yeah we're doing a little late night stream here today we're gonna be playing some hella diaper, as you guys seen the title uh and we're gonna be drinking the rest of this monster i had, from earlier i think the white monster may be my favorite to be honest but hold on let's get my game to show up, here we, go it should load up in a second i don't know why hello neighbors screwing around with me it's not like i don't, have my stream deck yet and i really want to buy one but i can't right now but anyway yep here we go it's showing up so. Hello Neighbor Alpha 4 so yo what is going on guys uh i'm just doing a little late night stream here i i need to turn my ring light on a little bit i'll get some better lighting yeah.

How to beat hello neighbor alpha 1