You can use any enemy type honestly, but it might seem silly if a guy with a shotugn climbs the tree to snipe you.Ĭheck the 'SPAWNER' checkbox and make sure you give the spawner the following key value pairs: Key: script_noteworthy Desc: This makes the guy be a tree sniper and sets him up to climb the tree. Place an appropriate enemy actor ( actor_axis_jap_reg_type99riflescoped or actor_axis_jap_reg_type99riflebayonet). You can optionally check the ' DONT_STAND' checkbox so that the sniper remains crouching on the platform. Make sure and check the ' DONT_LINK' checkbox. Place a single crouch_cover pathnode on top of the platform. It should look like it's halfway inside the platform. Place it at '0' height on top of the tree. Place a script_origin in the center of the platform on top of the tree. It's located here: _prefabs/scripter/tree_sniper_platform_bare 2. (the prefab is included for you in the example_ambush.zip file). Place the tree sniper prefab into the map. We'll be using the latter in this example.ġ. One was the kind that had the sniper already perched up in the trees, and the other has the enemy run up the tree and climb into the platform. There are two types of tree snipers that we used in World at War.